

Thank you for your interest in the Florida Postal History Society.  We are an APS Affiliate Society No. 227 and have over 100 members.  As our society name implies, we are interested in all aspects related to Florida Postal History.  We publish three issues of The Florida Postal History Journal per year, which is included in the membership dues.  In addition, we hold annual meetings at the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition each February. 

We published in late 2018, the 455 page reference piece Florida Postal HIstory 1763-1861 Ordering information can be found under the BOOK tab. Addtional reference works can be found in the RESEARCH section of this website.

Click on the APPLICATION button to download and print a copy of the membership application.


Regular:  $15.00 [E-Journal only]

Contributing:  $25.00 [Hardcopy mailed of the journal if desired]

Payment is made to the Florida Postal History Society

Remit to:

Todd D. Hause, FPHS Secretary

846 Angle St. NE

Palm Bay FL 32905

Phone: 321.271.5743 (home)
